Heroes-The-Webcomic Wiki

Nen Types Explained:[]

We all know there are different kinds of Nen out there ranging the gammett from Reinforcement to Manipulation


and back again. But this Page will help you to Differentiate between the different types to better help you with your nen-based needs...

Hisoka's Analysis suggests that a persons nen is based upon their personalities... so he gave us the list you see here to explain it... for further review i have copied it here for you:

Reinforcement Types:[]

Pure and Simple

Manipulation Types:[]

Reasoners, Advance at own pace.

Transformation Types:[]

Liars, Fickle

Emission Types:[]

Impatient, Emotionally Disturbed

Specialization Types:[]

Individualistic and Charismatic

Materialization Types:[]

Nervous, High-Strung
